Thursday, October 31, 2019

Confederation and Constitution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Confederation and Constitution - Essay Example The American constitution underwent a lengthy process during its drafting and various amendments have been made so that it can be more efficient for the governing of the states. In 1776, the continental congress drafted â€Å"the article of confederation† which brought together 13 founding states of the United States of America: This article was later ratified in 1781. In the article of confederation, the relationship between the uniting states was defined and also a common name was adopted for the union of the states (Howard, 2005). After various administrative set backs, this article of confederation was found to be inefficient and hence was later replaced by the American constitution in 1789. Though the article of confederation had some similarities with the constitution, these two documents were different in the following ways. The constitution established an organized form of government. The government was divided into three main braches, which included the executive, the judiciary, and the legislature. In the constitution, the executive was the supreme arm of the government and it was headed by the president. The constitution provided the rules and regulations governing election of the president and his deputy. However, in the article of confederation, there was no such structured government. The states had the liberty to decide the method of leadership they wanted. The constitution established a federal system government. In this system, the states had some authority.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Social Media as a Business Strategy Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Social Media as a Business Strategy - Term Paper Example Social media also lets retailers create an awareness of their great products and followers might share their business with friends and family growing exposure to the business. Through social media, retailers can advertise specials to increase the reach for their special promotions. Social media also lets retailers get involved with the customers. Retailers may get feedback through comments by the customers and be able to meet the clients needs. Also with social media, retailers can target specific demographics to get their name to the group of people they want to see their products (Brown, 2012, pp 1) In the video, the instructor starts by letting people know that the facebook is where individuals go to spend time with friends. The video assures retailers that using facebook will help them reach a greater market. Facebook is where people build relationships with others that may eventually become customers. Find people with a similar mindset and connect them. You should send them a short message informing them why you want to connect. Add as many you could since some may or may not accept your friendship request. It encourages the client to use facebook since there is no investment required. It also guides retailers on how they can create a link to their website on their facebook profile. Retailers can also put a small note about who they are. The video starts by explaining the meaning of social media and how it has exploded to have great numbers of users. It assures the retailer that there is a huge audience on social media that they can take advantage to promote and even sell their products and services. The video explains that the social media platforms are different in how you connect with people. He points out that facebook is the leader for online marketing and plays a vital role in the success of retailers businesses. It informs the retailer that creating facebook page is a work in progress, which does not have to

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Gender Roles Influenced By Media And Society

Gender Roles Influenced By Media And Society One usually obtains their gender roles usually through social interactions rather than obtaining it genetically. When humans are born, one are endowed with a small concept of gender. Manners and proper behavior is mainly learned through the social interactions with others and also the relationships with one another. Our gender identity is build through the interactions or experience from our parents, media, people from school, work or at home and also society can influence our gender identity. Depending on how we are raised greatly affects on how one acts as they grow up. The media can influence every aspect of ones life, their lifestyle, fashion, physical appearance, and also behavior. Society has the power to change the behavior and peoples point of views way more than what genetics or biological can. The genetic make-up for all living beings mainly humans are usually born with might affect their physical abilities, but one usually learns how to act in specific ways by just watching the people around them. An example of this would be that when boys of a young age watches cartoons or anything that involves a male aspect, theses young boys are usually influenced by the characters or what they see on television. Usually these characters are portrayed to be in a violent and aggressive manner, which cause these children to act what they see. On the bright side mainly super heroes are the ones that influence young boys the most such as Superman, Spiderman, Iron or even Batman and they are usually portrayed to be a strong, very athletic and brave hero which can influence a boys every action. In cartoons like these there is also a downside to it to where boys are depicted to be destructive and usually aggressive as well to a point where it suggest that males should be very competitive to one another. Children at younger age are also more vulnerable to be influenced by television when compared to an adult due to the maturity level of one another. Not only just the boys also the older males are influenced by todays media, televisions, music and society. An example of this would be the music artist Eminem where he wants males to be very violent and rebel against homosexuality and also be dominant towards females. Usually the younger teens are influenced by this because of the lack of maturity to make their own choices or decisions and these young males are gullible to a point where they are influenced by what they see. There was a Columbine massacre or incident in 1999 that proved that the boys who killed all those innocent students derived all of their ideas from certain mo vies and television shows. This proves that teens at a very open age that can be easily manipulated by society to act in predictable or spontaneous ways. According to Diekman, author of Stereotypes as dynamic constructs: Women and men of the past, present, and future. states that typical characteristics for women are piety, submissiveness, and domesticity, while authority, and social behavior, are traits commonly held by men. When girls are young, they are usually given a Barbie doll to play with and are expected to grow up as the ideal Barbie girl who is very beautiful looking and supposedly very feminine. Girls are usually less athletic when compared to boys due to their genetic make-up; they just tend to not be athletic. Due to this genetic unfairness between males and females, parents would not treat each gender the same way when it comes down to sports. The boys are usually taught to be very aggressive because they are more athletic and competitive than girls while on the other hand girls are encouraged to express or release their feelings and its ok for them to cry openly. Boys are never encouraged to cry or complain about anyth ing. They are taught to replace the feminine feelings of fear and sorrow and replace them with excitement or anger. Boys or males in particular use the phrase be a man referring to being tough or strong and one that never shows his emotions. Children can also be influenced by their peers to act in specific ways at a very young vulnerable age. One can be made fun of easily if they are usually doing things that dont suit their gender. An example would be if a young boy or any male would easily be made fun of if they like to play with dolls, like shopping or just play in the kitchen. The society and media shows what types of things that certain gender should usually be doing for each gender. On television, it would usually have specific types of clothes, toys, jobs, etc for each of the genders and what they think each gender should follow. Due to these social influences, males and females act the way one does because of how society taught one to grow up to be. As for careers men are the dominant one because of how they can handle tougher jobs than a woman. Women are depicted to be caring for others or cooperative with anything and also just less valued. Woman careers are preferred to usually be models, nurses or even housewives. According to InfoRefuge on an article about Gender Roles and the Media, it states that our society continues to respect and represent men more than women in every aspect of our daily lives. People were raised by the society to think what men and women are capable of. Due to these circumstances these are usually the reasons why men mainly get better jobs than women do and also have a better chance of getting jobs in the work force. Gender stereotypes are everywhere and still occur today. For example, it is not acceptable in this society for a female to coach a mens sports team at any type of level professional, college or either high school team male oriented teams. This is a huge deficit and disadvantage because of the fact that females too can be amazing coaches sometimes way more superior to most males and therefore the players would miss out the chance from learning and gain experience this coach. The female coaches also suffers from not gaining or they miss the opportunity to coa ch these male players and are often force to pass down their knowledge to just female players. Society is unfair to judge solely on ones capabilities on gender. Therefore theses better jobs that usually pay a lot, females are solely at a disadvantage of getting the job due to their gender which is unavoidable. Another influence that society has on one is when people begin to date. There are certain specific behaviors that are supposedly expected by each gender because of the social influence, custom and usage in society. Men are the ones that should be expected to pay for the date, drive and also ask the girl out and many more outdated manners that guys should usually do for a woman. Women on the other hand, also have a specific role in the dating game. When two people get married, society assumes specific roles according to their gender. Men are expected go to work to pay for the bills, put a roof over their heads and also put food on the table. According to an article on CliffNotes on gender stereotypes, it states that Traditionally, the female stereotypic role is to marry and have children. This means usually women are the ones staying at home to take care of the children or plainly be a housewife. These stereotypical roles are starting to deteriorate because of the fact that its societ ys standards. Women are far more important that what society depicts, they also have the same capabilities as any other man or human being. They could also be working or doing the exact same thing as man could or even better. There are no biological or physical abilities that hold men and woman to these assumed roles in society. Humans are born knowing which gender they are, but one learns their gender identity through the interactions of what we grow up with and learn how society expects them to act. There is no possible way that one could learn what one believes in and behaviors through biological influences; society has a much stronger influence on the way people act solely based on gender. Everyone in this world is born with some kind of innate ability on how to act relative to gender, but the way on is raised, how one interact with others and also the influences that the media has is what influences ones gender identity.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Flowers For Algernon :: essays research papers

Algernon is a mouse. He's a special mouse, Charlie Gordon is told, and it must be true, because whenever Charlie and Algernon run a race (Algernon is in a real maze; Charlie has a pencil-and-paper version), Algernon wins. How did that mouse get to be so special, Charlie wonders? The answer is that Algernon's IQ has been tripled by an experimental surgical procedure. The scientists who performed the experiment now need a human subject to test, and Charlie has been recommended to them by his night-school teacher, Miss Kinnian. Charlie's a good candidate for the procedure, because even though he currently has an I.Q. of only 68, he is willing, highly motivated and eager to learn. He's convinced that if he could only learn to read and write, the secret of being smart would be revealed to him. Charlie wants to be smart because he works as a janitor in a factory where he has many friends, but even as he goes along with their hijinks, he suspects his friends mock him. The opportunity to be made smart--really smart--is irresistible, even though there's a chance that the results of the operation will only be temporary. Because Charlie wants his co-workers to accept him. And therein lies the tale. Charlie does indeed get smarter. He struggles to absorb as much knowledge as he can in whatever time he has. He suggests a new way to line up the machines at the factory, saving the owner tens of thousands of dollars a year in operating costs, and the owner gives him a $25 bonus. But when Charlie suggests to his factory friends that he could use his bonus to treat them to lunch or a drink, they have other things to do. Charlie's too smart for them now. He's even smart enough to assist with the research on intelligence enhancement. He's smart enough to suddenly perceive Miss Kinnian with new eyes...and fall in love. Everybody is Charlie Flowers for Algernon is such a beloved classic that it has remained in print since 1959 and is now in its 58th edition. It has received science fiction's highest honors, the Hugo and Nebula Awards. It's been translated into dozens of languages, adapted for TV, and performed on stage. Cliff Robertson won an Oscar for his performance in the 1968 movie version, Charly. Everybody loves Charlie's story because Charlie is so vulnerable, so representative of readers' internal desires to fit in, to be smart, to have friends, to love. Everyone carries the ancient baggage of childhood, a time when others (adults, older children) were the keepers of the secret knowledge of the world. The revelation of Charlie's raw hopes and dreams

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Consumer Awareness Essay

THE PROCESS of development along with the expanding globalisation and liberalisation process has increased the number of consumer related issues. Consumer protection has earned an important place in the political, economic and social agendas of many nations. In India, the Government has taken many steps including legislative, to protect consumers. Education is a life long process of constantly acquiring relevant information, knowledge and skills. Consumer education is an important part of this process and is a basic consumer right that must be introduced at the school level. Consumers by definition include all citizens who are, by and large the biggest group, who are affected by almost all government, public or private decisions. The most important step in consumer education is awareness of consumer rights. However, consumer education is incomplete without the responsibilities and duties of consumers, and this influences individual behaviour to a great extent. Definition Consumer awareness is making the consumer aware of His/Her rights. Consumer awareness it a marketing term. It means that consumers note or are aware of products or services, its characteristics and the other marketing P’s (place to buy, price, and promotion). Need : we need it so we will not be misled by producers,it explains if what we buy is worth to our money..and not harmful to us and to environment . Many people are ignorant of their rights to get protected against the exploitation by so many others. So when there is a forum for such redress of grievances there seems to be no such exploitation by many; and becomes a rare one. So in order to get a clear picture of the level of exploitation of consumers, the awareness is required. Role of producers  proper labeling, full information, health warnings, handling information, expiration date, etc. keep to requirements, norms, standards labelproducts according requirements, providing true facts If they are providing a service they should carry it out with due skill and  care. They must also make sure that any materials they provide as part of this service are fit for the purpose. It is also illegal for a supplier to cut off, or threaten to cut off, supply to a reseller (wholesale or retail) because they have been discounting goods or advertising discounts below prices set by the supplier. Consumer awareness is about making the consumer aware of his/her rights.It is a marketing term which means that consumers are aware of products or services, its characteristics and the other marketing P’s (place to buy, price, and promotion).Though the first consumer movement began in England after the Second World War, a modern declaration about consumer’s rights was first made in the United States of America in 1962, where four basic consumer rights (choice, information, safety and to be heard ) were recognized. Ralph Nadar, a consumer activist, is considered as the fathe r of ‘consumer movement’. March 15 is now celebrated as the World Consumer Rights Day. The United Nations in 1985 adopted, , certain guidelines to achieve the objectives of maintaining protection for consumers and to establish high level ethical conduct for those engaged in production and distribution of goods and services. High prices, duplicate articles, underweight and under – measurements, rough behavior, undue conditions, artificial scarcity are some of the ways by which consumers are exploited by manufacturers and traders. Limited information, limited supplies and low literacy are factors causing exploitation of consumers. In India, the concept of consumer protection is not new. References to the protection of consumer’s interest against exploitation by trade and industry, underweight and measurement, adulteration and punishment for these offences, were made in Kautilya’s ‘Arthashastra’. However, an organized and systematic movement to safeguard the interest of consumers, is a recent phenomenon. The consumers have to be aware not only of the commercial aspects of sale and purchase of goods, but also of the health and security aspects. Food safety has become an important element of consumer awareness these days. In case of food products, its quality depends not only on its nutritional value, but also on its safety for human consumption. Consumption of contaminated or adulterated food is a major cause of human illness and suffering. This called for strong legal measures to ensure that the manufacturers and sellers observe uniformity and transparency in prices, stocks and quality of their goods.Enactment of Consumer Protection Act, 1986 was one of the most  important steps taken to protect the interests of consumers. The provision of the Act came into force, with effect from July 1, 1987. The act recognizes consumer’s right to seek redresses and right to consumer education. The salient features of the Act are as follows:- †¢ Applies to all goods and services unless specifically exempted by the Union Government; †¢ Covers all the sectors whether private, public or cooperative; †¢ Enshrines the consumer’s rights related to safety, information, choice, representation and redress and consumer education. †¢ The act gives consumers an additional remedy besides those which may be available to them under the provisions of other existing laws and they are free to choose the remedy. †¢ Empower consumers seeking discontinuance of certain unfair and restrictive trade practices, defects or deficiencies in services and stopping in services or withdrawal of hazardous goods from the market. There are no legal formalities for filing the complaint. Suppose, you find yourself cheated by trader or a manufacturer and wish to make a complaint to consumer court, you can write the details on a plain paper. Attach the supporting documents, that is, guarantee or warrantee card and cash memo with the complaint and submit it in the district consumer court. You do not have to go to any lawyer or professional for legal assistance. You yourself can plead the case in the consumer court.Since, the enactment of the Consumer Protection Act and even before that, newspapers and magazines have been responding to the needs of consumers. Apart from publishing articles, columns etc newspapers have also tried to come to the rescue of harassed consumers. The Indian Express was one of the first newspapers to start a consumer complaint column. There are 500 consumer associations, which are working in the field of consumer protection. They deal with various aspects of consumer exploitation. Some of the prominent ones are: Consumer Guidance Society of India, Mumbai; Citizens Action group, Mumbai; Common Cause, New Delhi; Voice, New Delhi; Consumer Utility and Trust Society, Jaipur. So next time you find yourself at the wrong end of a purchase don’t just sit back and blame, go to a consumer court and make your claim. CONSUMER AWARENESS  THE PROCESS of development along with the expanding globalization andliberalization process has increased the number of consumer related  issues. Consumer protection has earned an important place in the political, economic and social agendas of many nations. In India, the Government has taken many steps including legislative, to protect consumers.However, this is largely unknown to many citizens irrespective of whether they areeducated or uneducated. With an enormous population along with high levels of poverty,unemployment and poor literacy levels, consumer awareness continues to remain low. Education is a life long process of constantly acquiring relevant information, knowledgeand skills. Consumer education is an important part of this process and is a basicconsumer right that must be introduced at the school level. Consumers by definitioninclude all citizens who are, by and large the biggest group, who are affected by almostall government, public or private decisions. The most important step in consumer education is awareness of consumer rights. However, consumer education is incompletewithout the responsibilities and duties of consumers, and this influences individual behaviour to a great extent. With the increasing changes in economic conditions, thechildren especially are becoming young consumers at an early age. Children must learn toobtain information about goods and services, understand the psychology of selling andadvertising, learn to shop wisely and distinguish between wants and needs. They mustalso understand the alternatives of conserving and saving rather than buying andconsuming.Children are spending more of their leisure time watching television at the cost of other pursuits such as reading or sports. With the introduction of a number of specialisedsatellite channels, television enjoys a large viewership base consisting of children.Exposure to the marketplace as young shoppers has made most children aware of thedifferent kinds of products that are available. Advertisements are no doubt an importantsource of information as they help to inform consumers about the availability of different products before making their choice. A majority of the advertisements are aimed at youngchildren today, especially those covering food products, beverages and cosmetics(especially toothpaste/fairness creams). Advertising influences the food preferences andeating habits of children to a large extent.Unfortunately, many advertisements make false promises, are highly exaggerated a ndgive incomplete descriptions of products. The media, schools and parents along withconsumer groups need to help children develop the ability to understand  the purpose of advertising. There is so much more information available to children that they must perceive the importance of distinguishing between different sources of information.The consumption patterns are changing fast and children today are very clear on their choices regarding food, clothing, cosmetics or accessories. Parents are increasingly permitting their children to take decisions when shopping. It then becomes veryimportant for children to check details (for example, labels) before buying products Children can be taught to shop wisely and a few simple precautions will ensure that theychoose the right product at the right price. It is but natural that parents wish the best for their children, and strive hard to fulfil their demands. But this is not always a good ideaas it affects both the parents and children in a negative way in the long run.Consumer education also involves environmental education as it deals with theimportance of conserving (natural resources) and sustaining (recycling and reusing) theenvironment, including the direct health effects of environmental pollution and toxic products on consumers.Schools must incorporate consumer education into school curricula as it is important toimpart the practical skills and critical ability needed to cope with social and economicchanges.Anyone who consumes goods is a consumer. Consumers get exploited in the market.They respond to advertisements and buy goods. Generally advertisements do not give allthe information that a consumer needs t know or wants to know about a product. Definition Consumer awareness is making the consumer aware of His/Her rights.Consumer awareness it a marketing term. It means that consumers note or are aware of products or services, its characteristics and the other marketing P’s (place to buy, price,and promotion).Usually commercials and ads increase consumer awareness, as well as â€Å"word of mouth†(a comment from someone you know about a product or service). 1 Need : we need it so we will not be misled by producers,it explains if what we buy is worth toour money..and not harmful to us and to environment .Many people are ignorant of their rights to get protected against the exploitation by somany others. So when there is a forum for such redress of grievances there seems to beno such exploitation by many; and becomes a rare one. So in order  to get a clear pictureof the level of exploitation of consumers, the awareness is required. 2. Role of producers proper labeling, full information, health warnings, handling information, expiration date,etc. keep to requirements, norms, standards label products according requirements, providing true facts They have to produce and deliver the goods/services of right qualityat right price at right time at right place at right quantity with right faceIf they are providing a service they should carry it out with due skill and care. They mustalso make sure that any materials they provide as part of this service are fit for the purpose. It is also illegal for a supplier to cut off, or threaten to cut off, supply to areseller (wholesale or retail) because they have been discounting goods or advertisingdiscounts below prices set by the supplier. Some of the common methods of exploitation are 1.Under weight and under measurements –not measured or weighed correctly2.Substandard Quality –defective home appliances and medicines beyond expirydate3.High prices—charging above the retail price4.Duplicate Articles—selling fake items in the name of the original5.Adulteration and Impurity—is done to get higher profits6.Lack of safety Devices—absence of inbuilt safe guards in appliances7.Artificial Scarcity—hoarding and black marketing8.False and Incomplete Information—misleading information on quality, durability,and safety.9.Unsatisfactory after sales Service—high cost items like electronics and carsrequire constant and regular service.10.Rough behavior and Undue conditions—harassment in getting LPG connection or a telephone connection.. Factors causing exploitation of Consumers. 1.Limited Information—providing full and correct information will help in thechoice2.Limited Supplies—when goods and services are in short supply then price shootsup3.Limited Competition.—single producer may manipulate the market in terms of price and stocks.4.Low Literacy.—illiteracy leads to exploitation.Hence Consumer Awareness isessential Rise of consumer Awareness Kautilya was one of the earliest to write in his Arthashastra about the need for Consumer awareness and protection. With the growth of private sector there is a greater need for discipline and regulation of the market. Consumers must be aware of the sale and purchase of goods, the health and security aspects also. Ensuring the safety of food itemssold in the market is essential these days.Legal measures for consumer safety and consumer awareness must be uniform, andtransparent in terms of prices, quality of goods, and stocks. Consumers must have thetools to combat malpractices and protect their rights. Rights and Duties of Consumers As codified under the Indian Laws the Consumers have the following Rights 1.Right to Safety—to protect against hazardous goods2.Right to be Informed—about price, quality, purity3.Right to Choose—access to a variety of goods and services at competitive prices.4.Right to be Heard—consumers interest and welfare must be taken care of 5.Right to seek Redressal—protection against unfair trade practicesand settlinggenuine grievances.6.Right to Consumer Education.—Kowledge about goods and issues related toconsumers. Duties 1.Get a bill for every important purchase and also the Warranty card2.Check the ISI mark or Agmark on the goods3.Form consumer awareness groups4.Make a complaint on genuine grievances.5.Consumers must know to exercise their rights. Consumer protection Measure 1. Legislation concerning Consumer Rights. The Consumer Protection Act 1986 provides for consumer disputes redressal at the stateand national level. With the help of this law the agencies can solve grievances in aspeedy, simple and inexpensive manner. A separate department of consumer affairs wasset up at the state and central government. A three tier system of consumer courts at the National, State and District levels were set up. These agencies have done good work byhandling lakhs of cases. 2. Public Distribution System .To protect the poor from price rise and black marketing the government food  security tothe poor by supplying essentials through the ration or Fair price shops. 3. Standardisation of Products .These are done to assure the quality of products. The ISI stamp on goods is placed by theBureau of Indian standards. This caters to industrial and consumer goods. These goodscan be trusted to confirm to specific standards. Agmark is meant for Agricultural products.At the International level the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) locatedin Geneva sets common standards. The FAO and WHO provide food standards. 4.Legal formalities for filing a complaint .The complaint can be written on plain paper. The supporting documents like the warrantycard must be attached. A lawyer is not required. We can argue our case

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

How do religious believers respond to challenges posed to them by scientists? Essay

Challenges to religious belief started around the time of the renaissance, before this the Church had almost complete control over people’s views, although criticisms were present. Since the only literate people were generally monks or priests for a considerable amount of time, challenges to religion were dismissed. However gradually times changed and with them so did attitudes. Although there were other arguments of a more philosophical and theological nature beforehand Galileo’s idea of heliocentricity was one of the first arguments to challenge religion in a way it had never been challenged before; scientifically. The idea that our world was the centre of the universe that is to say the geocentric view had been held since the time of Aristotle. This idea implies that the world is not the most important thing, just another component in the vast universe; this was the beginning of science opposing religious ideas. Presently there are many challenges to the existence of a creator specifically the Judeo Christian God who is responsible for the account of the creation of the world in Genesis. One of the major arguments against Genesis is Darwin’s theory of evolution. It says that contrary to the story of Genesis, humans evolved from apes and were not made, as we are now, on the 6th day of creation. Christians react very differently to this theory. Some choose to ignore it completely arguing that science can make mistakes and evolution is still only a theory. They might say that if God is all powerful, nothing is impossible and we cannot see the bigger picture. Other Christians present theories such as irreducible complexity and intelligent design; these are usually more liberal Christians. Some might say that the two ideas can be united saying that one asks how while the other, religion, asks why. On the matter of Creation itself there are many controversies. A young earth creationist would believe that the account of Genesis is completely true and that the earth is between 6000 to 10,000 years old. They would dismiss any scientific ideas perhaps saying that they can’t disprove God or maybe choosing to remain ignorant of scientific theories. If a scientist challenged this view using fossils as evidence, a young earth creationist may argue that God had put them there deliberately to test our faith. Some Christians and religious believers would say that we are not supposed to know everything because we wouldn’t understand and its part of God’s plan, they might say that if God had intended us to know then he would have included it in the Bible or the Holy Scripture belonging to the believer. Religious believers that belong to Islam methodically reject Darwin’s theory of evolution and often refuse to discuss it. However Koran has a similar creation story to the Bible and therefore the same problem of days. Many Muslims claim this is figurative and that days is supposed to mean period of time and therefore wriggle out of one of the challenges to their belief. Earlier while talking about evolution intelligent design and irreducible complexity were mentioned. These are popular responses by more liberal Christians to problems created by science. Intelligent design is a modern extension of the teleological argument; it argues that processes such as evolution are best explained by an intelligent cause and not just a random occurrence of mutations. It is therefore quite a popular compromise for Christians, it doesn’t contradict science and seems to unite the two; science is true but God made it happen. Irreducible complexity is an idea by Michael Behe, an American biochemist. He says that certain organisms are irreducibly complex that is to say that if you follow the evolutionary chain back far enough, you come to a point where it cannot be broken down anymore, the whole thing, however simple, has to exist simultaneously. Behe uses the example of a mousetrap saying that without any one part it could not function. Behe is widely criticised and slated by scientist because he is filling gaps in scientific theory with God using little or no concrete evidence, some say he has created a â€Å"God of the gaps.† Some more liberal Christians often present the Yom argument in the discussion of creation. The word day is used in Genesis but it was translated from the Hebrew word â€Å"Yom† which means any period of time from 24 hours to an indefinite span of time. Science clearly says that the entire universe was not made in an earthly week, using Yom as a period of time means that Genesis no longer has to say that the universe was made in a week, more just 6 stages. This can end the conflict of timescale to a certain extent.