Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Spanish Verbs of Remembering and Forgetting

Spanish Verbs of Remembering and Forgetting The most common Spanish verbs of remembering and forgetting are recordar and olvidar, respectively. Verbs For Remembering and Forgetting Recordar: Here are some examples of recordar in use. Note that it is conjugated irregularly, following the pattern of - in other words, the of the stem becomes. Recuerdo que nuestro equipo era impresionante. I remember that our team was incredible. ¿Ya no recuerdas cuando eras un nià ±o? You still dont remember when you where a child?Firefox no quiere recordar mis contraseà ±as. Firefox doesnt want to remember my passwords.No recuerdo donde fue mi primer beso. I dont remember where my first kiss was.Siempre te recordaremos. We will always remember you. Etymology:Recordar comes from the Latinrecordari, meaning to remember. Interestingly,recordar is a cousin of the wordcorazà ³n, meaning heart, as the heart has been thought of as the center of memory and emotions. False-friend alert: Except in poor translations from English, recordar is not used for meaning to record. Verbs used for that purpose include anotar (to write down) and grabar (to make a sound or video recording). Acordarse de: Also commonly used for to remember is the reflexive verb acordarse followed by the preposition de. As you might have guessed, acordarse is also a cousin of corazà ³n. It also is conjugated following the same pattern as recordar. Me acuerdo de la brisa que nos acariciaba. I remember the breeze that would caress us. ¿Por quà © a veces nos acordamos de lo que soà ±amos y otras veces no? Why do we sometimes remember what we dream and other times we dont?La respuesta corta a la pregunta es no, no se acordaron de nosotros. The short answer to the question is no, they didnt remember us.No quiero acordarme de ayer. I dont want to remember yesterday. Rememorar: Spanish does have a cognate of remember, rememorar, but it isnt used very often, and then usually to refer to an event being memorialized or recognized: Presidente Correa rememorà ³ la masacre del 2 de agosto. President Correa remembered the Aug. 2 massacre. Olvidar: Olvidar is the only verb in common use that means to forget. It sometimes is used in the reflexive form, often in the phrase olvidarse de, which can (but doesnt always) suggest deliberate forgetting. In some areas, olvidarse without the de is common. Los Spurs olvidaron el estilo que los habà ­a distinguido. The Spurs forgot the style that had distinguished them. ¡Ayà ºdame! Olvidà © mi contraseà ±a de Hotmail. Help! I forgot my Hotmail password.No voy a olvidar nunca mi visita a Mlaga. Ill never forget my visit to Mlaga.Me olvidarà © que fuiste mà ­o y que ahora te perderà ©. Ill forget that you were mine and that now I will lose you. ¿Por quà © nos olvidamos de fechas importantes? Why do we forget important dates? ¡No olvidemos lo nuestro! Lets not forget whats ours! Often olvidarse can function like gustar, in that the thing forgotten becomes the subject of the verb, and the person(s) who forgot becomes the indirect object: Es un video que no se te olvidar nunca. Its a video youll never forget. (Literally, its a video that will never be forgotten to you.)Un dà ­a se me olvidaron las llaves del carro. One day I forgot the car keys.Se me olvidà ³ el coche en el autolavado y cerraba a las 6. I forgot the car in the car wash and it closed at 6. Etymology: Olvidar comes from the Latin oblitus, forgetful, making it a cousin of English words such as oblivion and oblivious. Sources Sources used in this lesson include  Fotolog.com, Devocionalies Cristianos, Internetizado.com, Isaac Arriola, La Voz de Galicia, Soyunalbondiga.com, Mi Rincà ³n del Alma, Taringa.net, Tenisweb, Terra.com, Ubuntu-es.org and  3wilio.

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