Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Analysis of The Clash of Civilizations by Samuel P....

Analysis of The Clash of Civilizations by Samuel P. Huntington The article â€Å"The Clash of Civilizations?† by Samuel P. Huntington is an intriguing view on how modern day civilizations have grown to become cultural and economic entities trying to make new identities for themselves. A civilization is defined as the broadest cultural grouping of people. It contains a group of people with common languages, history, religion, and customs. Huntington states in his hypothesis â€Å"the great division among humankind and the dominating source of conflict will be culture.† Huntington sees the Western civilization, consisting of mainly the United States and most of Europe, as a dominate civilization. He expresses the opinion that due to the†¦show more content†¦Huntington’s regards to the reality of ethnic and religious identities is as follows, â€Å"civilization identity will be increasingly important in the future, and the world in large will be measured by the interactions among seven or eight major civilization s.† He follows up by elaborating on how these interactions become the turning point in civilization interaction. The interactions between civilizations have become increasingly relevant due to the increasing populations of the world. This in turn has caused an awakening in cultural awareness. Economic developments as well as social changes throughout the world also modify well defined identities. The most prevalent interactions among civilizations can be observed in the recent 9/11 attacks on the United States. Huntington closes his article by stating that â€Å"the West will increasingly have to accommodate these non-Western modern civilizations whose power approaches that of the West but whose values and interests differ significantly of those of the West.† In light of the present post 9/11 world, Huntington views of the Arab Islamic civilization have come into full view. Support for his thesis has become relevant and there has ultimately become a clash of civili zations. Reference Samuel P. 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